DISCLAIMER: Please note that this video STILL demonstrates MY DAMN method of bookbinding, so get over yourselves and tell us where you dumped Bloffo The Clown’s body so that we can give him a proper burial – jammed into a coffin with 16 other clowns.
Bookbinding (in Room) 101: Part One – Signatures and Covers
DISCLAIMER: Please note that this video demonstrates MY method of bookbinding. There are many, many other methods. In fact, there is over 1,700 years worth of literature available on the art of bookbinding.
Please also note that a sharp object (an awl) makes an appearance in this video. So this is not a hobby for children. In this episode we’ll be preparing the signatures and the covers.
Burrow Awl. Burrow Awl. Burrow Awl.